Blog 4: What is social media?
Each social media platform is unique in its function, content and versatility. For journalists to use social media effectively, they must know their target audience and how to communicate their story to the different social sites. Instagram is best for visuals, Twitter works well with short statements and Facebook plays well with a timeline of content. Today I wanted to examine how a news organization customized content for each social platform with their target audience and knowledge of the platforms in mind.
One way journalists can optimize content for social media is utilizing community engagement. Social media is about people sharing and engaging with content, and that is exactly what journalists need to reflect in uploading their content to social platforms.
The New York Times does this with their content on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. They are selective with the platforms they choose to share each story. Rather than uploading all of their content to each platform, they take it a step further by understanding the audience they reach through each social media.
On Instagram, for example, it is evident they are reaching a younger, open-minded audience that cares about popular culture and entertainment. You can see this in the New York Times’ emphasis on fashion, food and profile pieces. They bring together different elements from the stories they report on in a way that makes you think you have found a gem online. One post about a renovated bathroom in a bus terminal exudes the detail and casual language that is needed to be successful on social media.
The New York Times’ Facebook page reflects a different audience that cares about politics, culture and international news. Visuals are just as important on Facebook as they are on Instagram. Facebook’s use of text gives journalists more room to explain their images. The New York Times use that to its advantage by posting stories that are more complex. For the most part, the text and the images could not stand alone, but the design of this platform brings readers the full context of each story.
Content on The New York Times’ Twitter is geared towards a viewership that focus on news, politics and culture. Twitter seems to function as a source for breaking news and popular culture content, and their page shows that shift in audience for this platform. As with all of their social media pages, they focus on curating their content to each social site and engaging with their audiences.